12 Nov 2020

Iwi divided over Shelly Bay development

From Morning Report, 6:52 am on 12 November 2020

Wellington City Council has voted to sell and lease its land for the controversial housing development at Shelly Bay.

The development has been bogged down with legal battles for years, with filmmaker Sir Peter Jackson one of its most vocal opponents.

The council owns a key piece of the peninsula needed for the development, the rest is iwi land.

The iwi, Taranaki Whanui is divided over the decision to sell the land to developer Ian Cassels.

A group from within the iwi, Mau Whenua, staunchly oppose the sale and have lodged court action over the legitimacy of the sale.

A representative of the group, Catherine Love was at the meeting last night and jumped up in protest when the vote in favour was announced.