Covid-19: Epidemiologist surprised at end to Auckland lockdown
Doctors leading the Covid-19 testing effort in South Auckland are still on high alert despite the government's move to take the city out of level 3. Auckland's Alert Level 3 restrictions ended just before midnight on Wednesday, just three days after it was imposed. The city is now at Alert Level 2, and the rest of the country is enjoying the freedom of Alert Level 1. In Auckland workplaces, restaurants, shops and schools are open for business - with gathering limits of 100 people in place. An Auckland epidemiologist says the city could have endured a few more days at Level 3, and he's surprised the government didn't keep it there. Despite three new active cases yesterday, the government says the outbreak appears to be limited to one known group. Auckland University epidemiologist Rod Jackson told health correspondent Rowan Quinn he would have done things differently.