4 Mar 2021

Wellington librarians disppointed by council votes - PSA

From Morning Report, 6:16 am on 4 March 2021

Wellington librarians are upset and angry over the council's proposal to sell off part of the central library, and slash the collections budget by 40 percent.

Both decisions have been approved to be included in the council's draft long term plan in an effort to cut costs.

It would mean the libraries budget would be down by $1 million per year for the next two years, while the offices above the Central Library would be out of public ownership.

The union representing librarians the PSA says many of its members are hugely disappointed that despite the council's enormous budget, library services is where they look to make cuts.

It's National Secretary, Erin Polaczuk, spoke to told RNZ reporter Harry Lock. Councillor Fleur Fitzsimons, who holds the library portfolio, says she will be tabling amendments at a council meeting this morning, to overturn both decisions.

She's confident she has the votes.