14 Apr 2021

Reporter remembers Amber-Lee Cruickshank disappearance nearly 30 years on

From Morning Report, 7:26 am on 14 April 2021

One of the country's most perplexing cold cases has returned to the public eye after police offered a $100,000 reward for information about the disappearance in 1992 of toddler Amber-Lee Cruickshank.

Nicky Cruickshank has maintained for nearly 29 years that somebody knows what happened to her daughter, who went missing in Kingston, on the shores of Lake Wakatipu.

She is pleading for that person to come forward. For some who were involved in the case, the mystery has remained. Former Southland Times police reporter Gail Goodger covered Amber-Lee's disappearance extensively.

She spoke to Philippa Tolley.