28 Jun 2021

Supermarket chain supports plastic ban plan

From Morning Report, 8:19 am on 28 June 2021

A key supermarket chain is onboard with new rules banning many types of disposable plastics but there is a problem.

Countdown's general manager of sustainability Kiri Hannifin says while the government's intentions are good, the technology isn't available yet to keep many types of food safe without plastic.

PVC meat trays and polystyrene takeaway containers are due to be gone by late next year, then plastic fruit labels, straws, produce bags, cutlery and crockery by mid 2023.

All other PVC and polystyrene food and drink packaging will be banned in mid 2025.

Hannifin told Morning Report if products aren't in environmentally-friendly packaging, Countdown simply won't be able to stock it.