Two fishermen, who were transported from Auckland to New Plymouth and are now aboard a fishing vessel off the Taranaki coast, have tested positive for Covid-19.
The infected men are part of a group of nine mariners arrived in Auckland airport on Monday before they were transported to a deep-sea fishing vessel in New Plymouth.
The sailors entered into New Zealand under an exemption and so did not need to quarantine.
All nine sailors in the group provided negative Covid-19 pre-departure tests, but two returned positive tests after landing.
The results were only known after the pair's vessel, the Spanish registered ship "The Viking Bay", had put to sea.
Two port workers and the crew's driver are isolating.
The Ministry of Health says the mariners were not in any public places during their journey from Auckland to New Plymouth but did make a comfort stop in Hamilton.
Bill Preston who is the ship's agent says during the journey everyone was wearing PPE and he is confident correct protocols were followed and there is only a low chance of community transmission.
He spoke to reporter Jordan Bond.