12 Jul 2021

Covid-19: NSW progressively tightening restrictions as outbreak spreads - expert

From Morning Report, 8:09 am on 12 July 2021

A woman died in Sydney from Covid-19 at the weekend - the first virus-related death in New South Wales in 10 months.

The state recorded another 77 cases yesterday, 22 of which have no known source.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian expects new case numbers today will exceed a hundred 100.

Victorian health authorities have ordered the effective closure of the state's border with New South Wales.

The Department of Health says with case numbers continuing to increase in that state, Victorian officials are concerned about the risk of transmission beyond current red zones in Greater Sydney and its surrounds.

Some critics say New South Wales' lockdown isn't hard enough.

Deakin University public health expert Professor Catherine Bennett spoke to Perlina Lau.