26 Aug 2021

Covid-19: Woman affected by Highbrook vaccine error furious

From Morning Report, 7:12 am on 26 August 2021

A woman who hadn't been told she may have received just saline instead of the Pfizer vaccine wants heads to roll.

Yesterday, RNZ revealed that five people could have received a harmless saline injection instead of the Pfizer vaccine at the Highbrook Vaccination Centre in Auckland.

The incident happened on the 12th of July, but none of the 732 people vaccinated that day had been told.

After the story broke the Director-General of Health, Ashley Bloomfield, said the Health Ministry would inform those vaccinated within 24 hours.

Dr Bloomfield said they were waiting to gather more information before telling those affected.

Fiona Tolich was vaccinated that day and so far has only received one vaccine dose.

She told political reporter Charlie Dreaver she doesn't think the Ministry had any intention of telling her.