21 Feb 2022

Petition created to support attacked Otago teen

From Morning Report, 8:50 am on 21 February 2022

The petition demanding justice for the high school student whose hijab was forcibly removed now has more than 72 thousand signatures, including that of model and influencer Bella Hadid.

Susie Ferguson spoke to the two New Zealand sisters who started the petition.

The pair did not want to be named. Their goal was to raise awareness about discrimination - which they themselves have often experienced.

They told Morning Report the impetus to start the petition was the recent attack on Otago Girls' High School student Hoda Al Jamaa.

The petition is online right now and any donations go towards change.org and not to Hoda or the petition organisers.

Morning Report sent a request to speak with the principal on Friday and we are yet to hear back.

Ministry of Education says: "The formal disciplinary process has been completed.

NZ Privacy requirements mean the outcome cannot be disclosed publicly; however we know that the school has kept their parent community updated about the processes they followed, and that they have supported all those involved throughout."