5 Apr 2022

Evidence 'piling up' of war crimes in Ukraine - Nanaia Mahuta

From Morning Report, 7:13 am on 5 April 2022

The Foreign Minister says there's a lot of evidence "piling up" of war crimes by Russia in Ukraine.

On Monday the Prime Minister said there was evidence of war crimes by Russia in Ukraine, but she stopped short of calling President Vladimir Putin a war criminal.

Mahuta told Morning Report expelling the ambassador is an option, but NZ is currently keeping diplomatic options open.

"We've called the ambassador in a number of times. Moscow is under no shadow of a doubt about where New Zealand stands on this war."

Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta told Morning Report there's enough evidence for the international criminal court to make an assessment of events in Ukraine.

"There is, again, no shadow of a doubt, based on the images and descriptions that people are seeing reported from Ukraine, that there is enough there for the International Criminal Court to make its assessment and we support them to do that."

Mahuta said the court's legal threshold needs to be passed before words like genocide can be applied.