12 Apr 2022

Independent review suggests changes for Black Ferns culture

From Morning Report, 8:18 am on 12 April 2022

A scathing independent review of the of the Black Ferns' team culture offers twenty-six suggestions for how the national women's team can best pick itself up in the wake of an unhappy tour to Europe last year, when the coach Glenn Moore told hooker Te Kura Ngata-Aerengamate she didn't deserve to be on the team, and was picked "only to play the guitar".

The review, led by Auckland lawyer Phillippa Muir, finds comments like this weren't isolated - but it hasn't cost coach Moore his job.

New Zealand Rugby has stopped short of making a public apology to Ngata-Aerengamate saying instead that a restorative justice process between two is under way.

Rugby Players Association chief executive officer Rob Nichol spoke to Corin Dann.