The Media Council has upheld complaints about this story with dissent and ruled that it breached accuracy, fairness and balance. The full ruling can be found on the council's website.
The Acting Prime Minister says Omicron held up an end to MIQ recommended last year.
The government's facing criticism for waiting till February to ditch the hotel isolation, even though Dr Caroline McElnay and Dr Ashley Bloomfield told the government from November last year, it was no longer justified.
Up to 40,000 people could have skipped MIQ if the Government had followed that advice.
Now those who paid for quarantine want to be compensated - and an apology for what they say is the needless stress they suffered.
Robertson says the government held back when the new variant spread wildly overseas.
He says a delayed end to MIQ bought time to lift vaccination rates.
Up to 40,000 people could have skipped MIQ if the Government had followed top health advice.
A Ministry of Health document shows Dr Caroline McElnay and Dr Ashley Bloomfield advised the government that from November last year MIQ was no longer justified.
Now those who paid for quarantine want to be compensated - and an apology for what they say is the needless stress they suffered.
Earlier on Morning Report the National Party's Covid-19 response spokesperson Chris Bishop said while it would be hard to pay out compensation he understands the concerns of those who either spent time in MIQ hotels or missed out altogether on getting home.
Acting Prime Minister Grant Robertson spoke to Susie Ferguson.