8 Jul 2022

Andy Foster won't say if Sir Peter Jackson backing re-election

From Morning Report, 8:40 am on 8 July 2022

Wellington's mayor Andy Foster is throwing his hat in the ring again for the city council's top spot.

He said Wellington needs a leader that's 100% committed to the city and its people and he is the right person for the job.

However, he won't confirm if Sir Peter Jackson is backing his campaign again.

The film director and Weta founder donated $30,000 to Foster's successful campaign in 2019 through various companies.

Jackson backed Foster primarily because he was opposed to the Shelly Bay housing development, where the director once hoped to build a movie museum.

In November 2020, the Wellington City Council agreed to sell and lease land to the development, despite Foster's opposition.

Andy Foster spoke to Morning Report about his campaign.