Displaced West Auckland family unable to access funding

From Morning Report, 8:46 am on 7 March 2023

More than five weeks on from the region's devastating anniversary weekend floods, a displaced West Auckland family says it has still been unable to access the city's Mayoral relief fund and funding for rental accommodation is fast running out.

The Azad family fled their Swanson home in the floodwaters with just the clothes on their backs.

Izma Azad told First Up producer Mahvash Ikram the family is still paying rates, insurance and mortgage for a yellow-stickered home they can't and don't want to live in. 

IAG has confirmed they have settled two car claims for the Azad family and paid eight weeks of their rent. Their home and contents claims are still open. The company says it is working through information provided by customers to calculate settlement and do not need need receipts as proof of purchase.

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