21 Mar 2023

Tai Rāwhiti farmers having trouble slaughtering stock

From Morning Report, 8:53 am on 21 March 2023

Beef and sheep farmers in Tai Rāwhiti fear they'll have paddocks full of starving animals this winter, because there's no safe way to get them off the paddocks or to the meatworks. 

Federated Farmers Gisborne/Wairoa acting president Charlie Reynolds says his premium beef need to go to a suitable slaughterhouse. 

The two nearest plants, Ovation in Gisborne, and AFFCO in Wairoa - are at capacity. 

The next closest, in Waikato, is suitable only for turning dairy cows into mince. 

The ones he normally uses in Hawke's Bay take so long by road at the moment, that it would breach the animal welfare code driving there. 

There is still no clear timeline for restoring State Highway 2. 

Reynolds spoke to Corin Dann.

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