22 Aug 2023

Survivors of abuse in state care challenge compensation

From Morning Report, 8:23 am on 22 August 2023

Survivors of abuse in state care are heading to court to challenge the plan the Ministry of Social Development has set up to compensate abuse cases.

Survivors are being offered settlements as low as $10,000 called the Rapid Payment Framework, which sets pay-outs according to how long people were in care - with little recognition of abuse or cruelty they may have suffered in state care.

The four litigants are also challenging the requirement to sign full and final settlements if they accept these pay-outs.

Lawyer Lydia Oosterhof of CooperLegal which is taking the case on behalf of the litigants says the process is cruel and unfair and ignores the recommendations by the Royal Commisison into Abuse in State Care, as well as cabinet itself.

Oosterhof spoke to Ingrid Hipkiss.

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