8:19 am today

Government removes size rules for apartments in housing fix

From Morning Report, 8:19 am today

The government is promising to fix the housing crisis by flooding the market with affordable homes and driving down prices. They're calling it an ambitious agenda with six key changes including freeing up land by making city councils provide at least 30 years of demand at any one time. It will be easier for cities to grow both out and up and there will be no rules limiting how small apartments can be. The Housing Minister Chris Bishop says people often complain to him about shoebox apartments but it's better than living in a car a great way for students and young professionals to get into the housing market. Auckland University of Technology construction professor John Tookey, senior lecturer in the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland BillMcKay and Live Wellington convenor Jane O'Loughlin spoke to Corin Dann.

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