17 Jul 2012

Manu Korihi News for 17 July 2012

From Morning Report, 6:27 am on 17 July 2012

The Maori Council says it's too early to consider the idea of giving tangata whenua shares in state-owned enterprises - as redress over water rights; Meanwhile, Ngati Kahungunu iwi says the Government needs to put the brakes not the accelerator on the partial sale of state owned energy companies, and engage in a meaningful way with hapu and iwi over water; Northland's Ngati Hine people are back in court, seeking a ruling that the Ngaphui runanga cannot represent them in settling Treaty claims; A post doctoral research fellow from Waikato University, leaves for Hawaii at the end of the month to take up a year long Fullbright scholarship at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu.