Sean Sturm has successfully merged his experience as a musician with his occupation as a teacher of philosophy at Auckland University. As he puts it he is a ‘philosopher of education’.
Much of his work, often with other academics, involves getting them to think about teaching in different ways and much of that process has been gleaned from his own experience as a musician, vocalist and songwriter for Auckland hard rock band Eye TV, formerly known as the Nixons. As he puts it he it he has ‘always been interested in the ideas and theory of music’.
Eye TV had a long musical career that saw Sean write their original repertoire, record 4 studio albums and tour in Aotearoa, Australia and 2 lengthy sojourns in America... all on shoe string budget and a lot of time in the back of vans. Its not a life style for the feint-hearted. Sean Sturm talks to Trevor Reekie about his on-going career in rock music and how he can take that experience and translate it into the subject of Philosophy.
7 May 2022