Last week Kara Rickard was very fortunate to get a look behind the scenes of Pūtahi Waiata Māori, Reo Māori Songhubs at Roundhead studios in Auckland, Tāmaki Makaurau for RNZ Music.
The 2022 APRA Reo Maori SongHubs participants Photo: Jana Te Nahu Owen
Initiated by Dame Hinewehi Mohi, Reo Māori songhubs is run by Apra and brings together both emerging and experienced Māori artists, musicians, songwriters, taonga puoro practitioners, producers and te reo experts, with the aim of developing the bi-lingual music industry and increasing the current body of contemporary waiata reo Māori.
Kara Rickard goes behind the scenes of the Apra Reo Māori SongHubs and talks to Bic Runga, Anna Coddington, Te Kuru o te Marama Dewes, Jordyn with a Why and Hina about their experience and the waiata they created.