28 Dec 2013

Croche Dedans in Session

From RNZ Music, 3:30 pm on 28 December 2013

The songwriter behind NZ act Urbantramper, Lake Davineer, spent time living Nantes in France in 2011. There he couchsurfed, washing up in the shared apartment of sea shanty band Croche Dedans.

Jean Philippe Davodeau, lead singer of the band says "We hosted him for two weeks before he found a flat. He joined our choir, and became part of the band. We had a good feeling together, and we stayed in touch throughout the year, organising concerts together. He said yes to everything we suggested."

Croche Dedans perform a mix of traditional songs from Brittany, original compositions, and sea shanties from Spain and the U.K..

In December 2013 Croche Dedans came to New Zealand for an extensive tour around our coastline with the Wellington Sea Shanty Society.

Members Jean Philippe Davodeau, Gregory Lambar, Cedrick Terpereau, and Benjamin Thomas played us a session live at the Wellington Museum of City and Sea.

Listen to a session with the Wellington Sea Shanty Society here.


Artist: Croche Dedans
Song: J'ai acheté un bateau
Composer: B Thomas
Album: RNZ Recording
Label: RNZ

Artist: Croche Dedans
Song: Where There's A Will
Composer: J.P.Davodeau
Album: RNZ Recording
Label: RNZ

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