21 Jun 2014

Te Ao Marama - Matariki

From RNZ Music, 2:45 pm on 21 June 2014

The Maori new year celebration - Matariki - brings festivals, concerts, and exhibitions all around Aotearoa. In mid-June a concert at Wellington’s Museum of City and Sea, presented by Chamber Music NZ, which brought together Taonga Pūoro – Māori instruments - with orchestral instruments.

Alistair Fraser and Ingrid Culliford play Gillian Whitehead
Alistair Fraser and Ingrid Culliford

Storyteller Rangimoana Taylor told the Maori creation story of Ranginui and Papatuanuku as he led the audience around the museum to hear a piece in each room.

Kirsten Johnstone went along to collect some of the sights and sounds.

Alistair Fraser s Taonga Puoro
Alistair Fraser's Taonga Puoro

You'll hear sections of Gareth Farr’s He Poroporoaki, Gillian Whitehead’s piece Hineraukatauri, Natalie Hunt’s Matariki and Te Ao Marama by Warren Warbrick.

Warren Warbrick
Warren Warbrick.

Listen to Kirsten Johnstone's report from Te Ao Marama - Matariki


Artist: Alistair Fraser, Ingrid Culliford
Song: Hineraukatauri
Composer: Gillian Whitehead
Album: RNZN Recording
Label: RNZN

Artist: NZSO Brass quintet
Song: Fanfare For Brass
Composer: N Hunt
Album: RNZN Recording
Label: RNZN

Artist: Alistair Fraser, Warren Warbrick, Tamihana Katene
Song: Te Ao Marama
Composer: Warbrick
Album: RNZN Recording
Label: RNZN

Artist: Alistair Fraser, NZ String Quartet, Warren Warbrick
Song: He Poroporoaki
Composer: Farr
Album: RNZN Recording
Label: RNZN