Nights for Monday 7 February 2011
7:1 5 2010 Was Hot
Prof JeanPalutikof, Director of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility at Griffith University talks about the recently released WMO report stating that 2010 was one of the warmest years on record and how and if climate scientists now relate this information to recent extreme meteorological events such as the flooding In Australia, Brazil and Sri Lanka
8 pm News and weather
8:15 Windows on the World
International public radio documentaries - visit the Windows on the World webpage to find links to these documentaries.
8:40 Thinkers: Politically Right
Liberal thinking inpriase of the invisible hand with Luke Malpass, policy analyst at the Centre for Independent Studies; in an uncertain world, why trust the market?
8:59 Conundrum: Clue 1
9 pm News and weather
9:06 Insight
9:40 Sport: Australia
Our man keeping score across the ditch is ABC sports journalist Paul Kennedy talking about the 'average' Aussie cricket team, start of the Super XV rugby and swimmer Ian Thorpe is coming out of retirement.
9:59 Conundrum: Clue 2
10 pm Late Edition
A review of the news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.
11 pm News and weather
11:06 Beale Street Caravan
David Knowles introduces the Memphis-based radio show with an international reputation for its location recordings of blues musicians live in concert (BSC)