Nights for Friday 18 March 2011
7:06 Friday Night Theme
7:30 NZ Society
8 pm News and Weather
8:06Andrew Keoghan - Live at Roundhead
8:35 Kiwis and their horses
Carolyn Mincham and the place of the majestic galloping four-legged animal within the lives of Kiwis.
Her recently published book is titled The Horse in New Zealand: Attitude & Heart.
Carolyn Mincham's thesis A Social and Cultural History of the New Zealand Horse.
Photographsfrom The Horse in New Zealand by Annie Studholme (c).
8:50 Conundrum
The answer and the winner's chosen song.
9 pm News and Weather
9:06 Country Life
Rural news and features.
10 pm News and Weather
10:17 Late Edition
A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.
11 pm News and Weather
11:06 The Beatles: Here There Everywhere
A three-part series celebrating the bestselling group. The interviews recorded exclusively for this series reveal the impact made upon other musicians by The Beatles' records from throughout their career (Pt 1 of 3, EMI)