Nights for Thursday 7 July 2011
7:10 Mice Time
Dr Grant Singleton, wildlife ecologist from the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines specialising in the biology and management of rodent pests. He talks about why conditions are ripe for another mouse plague in Australia, and how this outbreak compares with those throughout Asia and Africa.
7:30 Spectrum
People, places and events in New Zealand.
8 pm News & Weather
8:15 Windows on the World
International public radio documentaries.
8:40 Science: Toxicology (What's Your Poison?)
Dr Leo Schep from the NZ National Poisons Centre about substances taken internally or applied externally that are injurious to health or dangerous to life... ongaonga and karaka.
9 pm News & Weather
9:06 Our Changing World
Science and environment news from New Zealand and the world.
10 pm News & Weather
10:17 Late Edition
A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.
11 pm News & Weather
11:06 The Music Mix
Nick Atkinson presents a contemporary music magazine with interviews and music from New Zealand and overseas artists, coverage of new releases, tours, live sessions, music festivals and events.