Nights for Tuesday 24 April 2012
7:10 Our Own Odysseys: Family Secret
Eileen Anderson and her late husband George Anderson embarked on a personal journey that took them to Israel once he discovered, rather late in life, that his mother was Jewish.
Haruth Communications: Jewish New Zealand
Gallery: Eileen and George Anderson's odyssey
Eileen and George on an educational trip in Akko in the Western Galilee region of northern Israel in 1998.
7:30 The Sampler
A weekly review and analysis of new CD releases.
8:15 Windows on the World
International public radio documentaries - visit the Windows on the World web page to find links to these documentaries.
8:40 The World At Night: Israel
Editor of The International Jerusalem Post, Liat Collins, reporting from on the State of Israel, pop. 7,473,052 (July 2010 est.)... celebrations in that Israeli/Jewish way of mixing sadness and joy - Remembrance Day and Independence Day.
9:00 News and Weather
9:06 The Tuesday Feature
10:00 News and Weather
10:17 Late Edition
A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.
11:06 Putumayo Radio Hour
A world music show that takes listeners on a weekly journey through the music of many different cultures (Putumayo)