7:06 Sonic Tonic

8 pm News and Weather

8:06 On The Spot - Siouxsie Wiles

Impromptu thoughts, perspectives and opinions on either the little or big things of life.

8:25 Camp A Low Hum

Reporting from Camp A Low Hum 2013 - the boutique music festival where nobody knows the lineup, but by the end of the weekend it feels like everyone knows your name.

9 pm News and Weather

9:06 Country Life

Rural news and features.

10 pm News and Weather

10:17 Late Edition

A review of the leading news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.

11 pm News and Weather

11:06 Levon Helm Rambles Home

A retrospective on the life and music of Levon Helm who died on 19th April 2012 at the age of 71.

This programme features Helm's vocals and drumming with Rock and Roll Hall of Fame group 'The Band', as well as some of his post-Band performances, with special attention given to his Midnight Ramble concerts held in recent years at his home in Woodstock, NY. 

See the PRX website for this programme