7:15 Sport: South Africa

Our South African sports correspondent from the SABC Beverly Maphangwa is ahead of the pack. Tonight, the India Tour of SA (cricket); the death of legendary boxer Jacob "Baby" Jake Matlala; he Absa Premiership fixture changes; and the Nelson Mandela Golf Challenge.

7:30 Insight

8:15 Windows on the World

International public radio documentaries - visit the Windows on the World web page to find links to these documentaries.

8:40 Pundit - Politically from the Left

Left-leaning political historian Brian Roper from University of Otago deconstructs public policies from around the globe. Tonight, NZ Treasury and some of their long-term fiscal projection documents, such as raising GST to 17.5%, raising the retirement age to 67, and reducing spending on public health care.

9:10 To Leap (Second) or not to Leap

A scientific vs technological debate on whether Earth should keep or abolish leap seconds - with Peter Whibberley, Time & Frequency Senior Research Scientist of the UK National Physical Laboratory.

10:00 Late Edition

A review of the news from Morning Report, Nine to Noon, Afternoons and Checkpoint. Also hear the latest news from around the Pacific on Radio New Zealand International's Dateline Pacific.

11:06 Full-Time Blues Radio

The home for new and independent blues music.This weekly show is hosted by 'Johnny Full-Time' and features an hour of the best in blues, with news, new releases and interviews. The premise of the programme is to provide a platform for the next generation of blues legends. (PRX)

Tonight, it's an hour of songs of worship and new takes on classic hymns performed by the best independent artists and bands. The Blues has always had an underlying theme of good and evil - this week we walk in the light of the Lord.

More about this episode of Full-Time Blues Radio the spiritual side of the blues on the PRX website