Nights for Thursday 29 March 2018
7:12 Overseas Correspondent - Estonia
Photo: Creative commons
Nights' overseas correspondent, Silver Tambur is on the line with the news and views from Estonia - including the celebrations for the 100 year anniversary of their independence.
7:35 New Horizons
For Pete’s Sake – The Political Songs of Peter Conway Photo: supplied
In New Horizons, William Dart takes a brief look at Kiwi protest songs, including some songs from the archives by Mervyn Thompson, and a tribute CD to Welllington union man and songwriter Peter Conway called For Pete's Sake.
8:10 Night Mail
To get in touch, email , you can text us from your mobile on 2101 or you can find us on Facebook.
Photo: Creative commons
8:15 Dateline Pacific
Photo: RNZ
RNZ Pacific's daily current affairs programme covering the major Pacific stories of the week, with background and reaction from the people making the news.
8:30 Window on the World
How do we prepare for the distant future? Helen Keen meets the people who try to.
Photo: Creative commons
9:07 Our Changing World
Tanya Dann uses a sweep net to catch damselflies at Sullivan's Dam near Dunedin. Damselflies, such as the blue damselfly (right) are slow fliers that stay near the shore, whereas larger dragonflies fly more strongly and are often seen well away from the shore. Photo: RNZ / Alison Ballance
This week on Our Changing World, Alison gets an introduction to the wonderful world of dragonflies, and an insight into superconductors and some exciting new research involving superconductor sandwiches.
A 'superconductor sandwich' as seen under a high-power electron microscope. The dots are rows of atoms, neatly stacked atop each other. The coloured region at right is a close-up of part of the black-and-white area. The layers are colour coded to differentiate different elements. The superconductor layer is coloured purple. Photo: Ben Mallett / University of Auckland
9:30 This Way Up
Photo: 123RF
This Way Up are making bacon the 'old fashioned' way without any nitrites.
Today most of the bacon we eat is cured and processed using sodium nitrite, which has been linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer by the World Health Organisation.
10:17 Lately
Photo: RNZ
Lately with Karyn Hay is a late night radio show on RNZ National, with an eye on live events, an ear for music, a great sense of humour and a genuine interest in people and their stories.
11:07 Music 101 pocket edition
In this week's Pocket Edition, Kirsten Johnstone is on the line to Nashville to speak with Jack White; Pop songstress Dua Lipa tells Ellen Falconer about her rise in the music world, and Alex Behan introduces us to American singer songwriter Lucy Dacus
Lucy Dacus Photo: Supplied