Nights for Wednesday 4 April 2018
7:12 What's My Weed?
Colin Meurk is back by popular demand to identify your weeds and to talk about RNZ Nights NatureWatch project.
Photo: supplied
7:30 At The Movies
On At The Movies, Simon Morris looks at three films that look to the past - Steven Spielberg's retro-thriller Ready Player One… a French tribute to silent comedy called Lost in Paris… and from Aardman Animation, Early Man pits a Bronze Age football team against one from the Stone Age.
8:10 Night Mail
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Photo: Creative commons
8:15 Dateline Pacific
Photo: RNZ
RNZ Pacific's daily current affairs programme covering the major Pacific stories of the week, with background and reaction from the people making the news.
8:30 Window on the World
Photo: By C Tennie (I took this pic and made the pumpkin) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Food poisoning meets economics in this episode of the Food Chain. And it's a toxic mix. Emily Thomas explores how an outbreak can bring down a company, badly damage an industry and shine a light on social and economic inequalities and our globalising food system.
9:07 The Drama Hour
Photo: Creative commons
Robbie Sinclair was deserted by his mother when he was eight years old .
Left to his own devices, he found crime and prison. Then he met Francie and his life changed for the best. But the road of fate has many turns.
10:17 Lately
Photo: RNZ
Lately with Karyn Hay is a late night radio show on RNZ National, with an eye on live events, an ear for music, a great sense of humour and a genuine interest in people and their stories.
11:07 Inside Out
Nick Tipping hosts a journey through the jazz spectrum playing favourites, standards and new releases along the way. Nick embraces the start of autumn with an autumn-themed set- plus the SFJazz Collective playing Michael Jackson, and a new album of taonga pūoro and bass from Al Fraser and Phil Boniface.