Nights for Monday 4 March 2019
7:12 Going Underground
Intrepid traveller Will Tinapple has been at theThe Erd Ball Austria and joins us to tell all the tales.
7:35 Upbeat
Tonight's Upbeat repeat celebrates the re-opening of Christchurch Town Hall.
8:10 Night Mail
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8:15 Dateline Pacific
RNZ Pacific's daily current affairs programme covering the major Pacific stories of the week, with background and reaction from the people making the news.
8:30 Window on the World
The Caravans of Women - or Caravans of Love as they are known - began as a response to Spain's epic story of rural depopulation. More than half the country is at risk, and in nearly 600 municipalities there isn't one resident under the age of 10. And as Linda Pressly finds out, there are many initiatives now to reverse the decline of the Spanish countryside, including a movement of young people - the "neo-rurales" - who have begun to occupy abandoned villages.
9:10 Nights Sport
Peter Lampp is our sportscaster tonight.
9:30 Insight
This week Insight explores the recent stream of strike action. What does this mean for the relationship between Labour and the unions and will it damage or strengthen this Government's chances politically?
10:17 Lately
Lately with Karyn Hay is a late night radio show on RNZ National, with an eye on live events, an ear for music, a great sense of humour and a genuine interest in people and their stories.
11:07 Nashville Babylon
On this week's Nashville Babylon Mark plays tracks from Mercury Rev's reworking of Bobbie Gentry's album the Delta Sweete, spins classic blues from Muddy Waters and Howlin' Wolf and airs a live track recorded especially for RNZ by Nadia Reid.