Nights for Tuesday 24 September 2019
7:12 Freshwater Fish: Koura (Freshwater Crayfish)
Stella McQueen joins us once again. Tonight, everything you ever wanted to know about Koura (Freshwater Crayfish).
7:30 Song Crush
The song crush team have sonic whiplash this week, veering from orchestral bombast to old-school hip-hop to scandi-avant-techno to Chinese opera meets Jamaican rocksteady. The Phoenix Foundation's Sam Scott joins Kirsten Johnstone and Tony Stamp.
8:15 Dateline Pacific
RNZ Pacific's daily current affairs programme covering the major Pacific stories of the week, with background and reaction from the people making the news.
8:30 Window on the World
Can aviation become sustainable? Katie Prescott explores whether technological advances - in powering green flight - can keep us airborne with a clear conscience.
9:07 World War II: The Economic Battle
The story of World War II is usually told in terms of heroism on the battlefield, but perhaps the most important struggle was the economic battle. To mark this month's 80th anniversary of the start of World War II economist Duncan Weldon examines how the economies of the European powers, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and the Soviet Union, set the scene for the conduct of the war in 1939 and 1940 and how the economies of Japan and China made war in Asia inevitable.
10:17 Lately
Lately with Karyn Hay is a late night radio show on RNZ National, with an eye on live events, an ear for music, a great sense of humour and a genuine interest in people and their stories.
11:07 Worlds of Music
Trevor Reekie hosts a weekly music programme celebrating an eclectic mix of 'world' music, fusion and folk roots. Tonight features an interview with NZ composer and nga taonga puoro artist, Alistair Fraser talking about a new album called Panthalassa recorded with guitarist Sam Leamy and digital conceptual artist Neil Johnstone as well as a number of guests including vocalist Ariana Tikao.
Released by Rattle Records, this ambitious collection of evocative and atmospheric soundscapes features hydro-phonic recordings of today's migrating marine animals made by NIWA in the Cook Strait and means to address concerns that the environment may change in the future due to the diminishing of native marine species and variable sea levels that also affect coastal marine habitats.