7:12 Easter Island Toromiro discovered in Te Papa Botany Collection

A single specimen of toromiro – a close relative of our own kōwhai and extinct in the wild – has been discovered in Te Papa's  botany collection, where it’s been kept safe for 150 years.

Te Papa's Toromiro specimen close-up,

Te Papa's Toromiro specimen close-up, Photo: Te Papa

Thanks to new DNA analysis, Genetic Scientist Lara Shepherd and Botanist Carlos Lehnebach think the specimen grew from seeds collected on Captain Cook’s visit to Rapa Nui (Easter Island).

Te Papa Genetic Scientist Lara Shepherd and Botanist Carlos Lehnebach

Te Papa Genetic Scientist Lara Shepherd and Botanist Carlos Lehnebach Photo: Te Papa

7:30  At The Movies

On At The Movies, Simon Morris looks at The Professor and the Madman - the unlikely story behind the Oxford English Dictionary - Israeli dramaa Working Woman, and the Oscar-nominated thriller The Lighhthouse, starring Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson.

8:10 The Hump

The Hump is our Wednesday night Quiz Night where we take a dive into the archives of Nga Taonga Sound and Vision for some audio gems and we want to see if you can identify them.

Tonight's prize is a CD fron last week's Sofa Session guests, Scottish Harpist Rachel Hair and guitarist Ron Jappy.

Rachel Hair and Ron Jappy in the studio

Rachel Hair and Ron Jappy in the studio Photo: RNZ

You can listen again to their Sofa Session here:

8:15 Dateline Pacific

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Photo: RNZ

RNZ Pacific's daily current affairs programme covering the major Pacific stories of the week, with background and reaction from the people making the news.

8:30 Window on the World

A homeless man lays on the sidewalk near the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge

A homeless man lays on the sidewalk near the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Bridge Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFP

'Motel 22' is an unusual shelter for California's homeless people. It's the bus which provides overnight respite for those who have fallen on hard times. 

9:07 Book Reading - Vintner's Luck by Elizabeth Knox.

In our reading from Elizabeth Knox's novel 'The Vintner's Luck, Sobran has gone all religious after learning that the angel he loves is a fallen angel. He is terrified, believing  he is damned.  But given Sobran's tendency for impetuous behaviour where will this knowledge take him. We'll find out today in Episode 6 .

9:30 Barriers to a Fair Rape Trial

Cross-examination strategies in rape trials remain resistant to reforms, which continues to negatively impact on complainants despite initiatives to improve the legal process.

Elisabeth McDonald

Elisabeth McDonald Photo: University of Canterbury

Professor Elisabeth McDonald from the University of Canterbury specialises in rape trial evidence and is publishing an Open Access book through Canterbury University Press to make her research freely available to those working in this area of the law.

10:17 Lately

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Photo: RNZ

Lately with Karyn Hay is a late night radio show on RNZ National, with an eye on live events, an ear for music, a great sense of humour and a genuine interest in people and their stories.

11:07 Inside Out

After 11, Nick Tipping is here with Inside Out. Tonight, in a show titled "The Many Daves of Jazz", Nick features some of the many Daves who have made an impact on jazz, including pianist Dave Kikoski, pianist Dave Brubeck, and drummer Dave King. 

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Photo: David Mulder