Nights for Wednesday 1 September 2021
7:12 Setting Vaping Alight
John Safran is an Australian satirist, documentary maker and author, joins us to talk about his new book Puff Piece - a probing look into Big Tobacco and the vaping industry.
Photo: Penguin AU
7:30 At The Movies
Dan Slevin suggests four options for at home lockdown viewing. He reviews the music documentary Count Me In which is on Netflix; Frankenstein starring Benedict Cumberbatch, from the Royal National Theatre's "at home" showcase of their recent theatre productions; Steven Soderbergh's Let Them All Talk, which stars Meryl Streep as an author taking her oldest friends on a trip across the Atlantic; and the classic Baseball magic realism film Field of Dreams starring Kevin Costner.
8:10 The Hump
The Hump is our Wednesday night Quiz Night where we take a dive into the archives of Nga Taonga Sound and Vision for some audio gems and we want to see if you can identify them.
8:15 Pacific Waves
Koroi Hawkins presents a daily current affairs programme that delves deeper into the major stories of the week, through a Pacific lens, and shines a light on issues affecting Pacific people wherever they are in the world.
Photo: RNZ Pacific
8:30 Window on The World
Crowdscience from the BBC World Service. How did our ancestors sleep? What do we know about how our sleeping habits have changed over history and pre-history and is there anything we can learn from our ancestors that might improve our slumber today?
Photo: 123RF
9:07 Getting Aid to Afghanistan
We chat to Mike Seawright, Founder & Executive Director or ReliefAid who in response to the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, have commenced aid operations in Kabul and Bamyan Province. With teams on the ground their trucks are delivering food to families this week.
Photo: AFP or licensors
9:30 Quiz Answer
We find out who is tonight's quiz whizz.
9:40pm Nights Gone By
We look back to September 2010 whjen Nights' Philosopher, Ann Kerwin discusses keeping an open mind.
Photo: Fanatic Studio/Gary Waters/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY
10:17 Late Edition
Bryan presents all the breaking news, a little analysis of the stories of the moment, and some highlights of the day on RNZ National.
Photo: RNZ Andrew Robertson
10:20 Orca expert slams DoC efforts in Porirua Harbour
A multi-agency operation is trying to keep a pod of orcas hunting stingrays safe from stranding in shallow waters in an inlet north of Wellington. The Department of Conservation, Ngati Toa iwi, Project Jonah and orca expert, Ingrid Visser's Whale Rescue, have been working with volunteers watching from their home around the Pauatahanui Inlet. Four boats, managed by the Department of Conservation have been trying to shepherd the pod out to sea and safety, but Dr Visser has criticised their attempt and asked them to stop.
An observer at home in the hills beside Porirua Harbour monitors a pod of orca hunting sting rays. Photo: Theo Sutorius
10:35 Midweek Mediawatch with Colin Peacock
Mediawatch's weekly catchup with Bryan Crump on Nights. This week Colin Peacock talked to Bryan about the media reflecting on the fairness of scrutiny and criticism applied to those running our covid response - and to the journalists covering it. Also: Patrick Gower's TV documentary 'On Hate' - and the late Ed Asner on journalism.
Photo: Stuff / Robert Kitchin
10:55 Swimmer Sophie Pascoe wins double gold in Tokyo
Swimmer Sophie Pascoe has won her second gold medal at the Tokyo Paralympics and sprinter, Danielle Aitchison has claimed the bronze medal in the 100 metre T36 final. Bryan Crump talks to the sport leader for Paraswimming, Graeme Maw.
11:07 Inside Out
After 11 on Inside Out, Nick Tipping features two leading contemporary players, trumpeter Terell Stafford and tenor player Mark Turner- plus tunes by George Shearing and Lester Young.
Terell Stafford performs live onstage during the 17th Annual NEA Jazz Masters awards and concert in New York City. Photo: 2007 Bryan Bedder / Getty Images via AFP