Nights for Thursday 3 March 2022
7:12 Cities and Climate Change
University of Canterbury Ahorangi Professor Bronwyn Hayward, is a coordinating lead author of the 2022 IPCC report and co-leading the global chapter on Cities and infrastructure - she joins us to talk about how we might shape our cities in the future.
7:35 We're all Binge-Watchers Now.
Professor Lorna Piatti-Farnell, Professor of Film and Popular Culture at Auckland University of Technology joins us to chat about the true rise of streaming and SVOD (subscription video on demand ) platforms like Netflix, Apple TV, and Amazon prime as content producers.
8:10 The House
Phil Smith has today's report from Parliament.
8:15 Pacific Waves
Koroi Hawkins presents a daily current affairs programme that delves deeper into the major stories of the week, through a Pacific lens, and shines a light on issues affecting Pacific people wherever they are in the world.
8:30 Window on The World
On tonight's People Fixing the World we learn abouit the Prison Voicemail app connects inmates and their families, helping them stay in touch throughout a sentence. We hear a mum and daughter using the messages to rebuild their relationship, and find out how it helps children who are separated from their dad.
9:07 Our Changing World
This week on Our Changing World, two stories about the double benefits of conservation projects - good for wildlife, and good for people too. Claire joins a community snorkel event at the Taputeranga Marine Reserve in Wellington and learns about a project to help native freshwater fish on the South Island's West Coast.
9:30 Overseas Correspondent - Japan
Motoko Kakubayashi joins us from Tokyo with an update on the latest news from Japan and an introduction to the minefeild that is schoolbags for japanese children!
10:17 Lately
Lately with Karyn Hay is a late night radio show on RNZ National, with an eye on live events, an ear for music, a great sense of humour and a genuine interest in people and their stories.
11:07 Music 101 pocket edition
In this week's Pocket Edition with Yadana Saw, Don McGlashan on his new album Bright November Morning, siblings Caleb and Georgia Nott talk about the origins and the adventures as musical duo BROODs.