7:07 Sonic Tonic - Escape


Harry Houdini, full-length portrait, standing, facing front, in chains

Photo: McManus-Young Collection, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

8:15 Pacific Waves

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Koroi Hawkins presents a daily current affairs programme that delves deeper into the major stories of the week, through a Pacific lens, and shines a light on issues affecting Pacific people wherever they are in the world.

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Photo: RNZ Pacific

8:30 Friday Night Live

In Friday Night Live we feature Finn Andrews and NZTrio in concert at The Wintergarden from July 2021.

NZTrio and Finn Andrews

NZTrio and Finn Andrews Photo: Auckland Live

9:07 Country Life 

Country Life heads to the slopes with a very special dog who's training to sniff out people buried in avalanches. That, along with a wrap of farming conditions around NZ, the team meets a 23 year old poultry farmer and visits one of the country's oldest stock saleyards.

"He's this amazing team mate that makes me smile everyday."

"He's this amazing team mate that makes me smile everyday." Photo: RNZ/Sally Round

10:17 Lately

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Photo: RNZ

Lately with Karyn Hay is a late night radio show on RNZ National, with an eye on live events, an ear for music, a great sense of humour and a genuine interest in people and their stories.

11:07 The Mixtape

Our guest today picking their favourite 6 songs and talking life is  producer HAZ BEATS FROM Team Dynamite, Homebrew and Miloux.

Haz Beats

Haz Beats Photo: Tom Grut