7:12 At The Movies

Simon Morris reviews the first German production of the classic All Quiet on the Western Front, a story set in 19th-century Ireland - The Wonder, and Harry Styles' first starring role as My Policeman.


7:30 Digital Planet 

A new report shows how the authorities in Iran can track and control protestors phones. An investigation by The Intercept news organisation has found that mobile phone coverage is being switched from a healthy 5G or 4G network to slow and clunky 2G coverage when protestors gather. 

Protesters demonstrate outside the Iranian embassy in Wellington on 28 October, 2022.

Protesters demonstrate outside the Iranian embassy in Wellington. Photo: RNZ / Angus Dreaver


8:15 Pacific Waves

Koroi Hawkins presents a daily current affairs programme that delves deeper into the major stories of the week, through a Pacific lens, and shines a light on issues affecting Pacific people wherever they are in the world.

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8:30 Window on The World: CrowdScience

We know the Earth's atmosphere is warming and it's thanks to us and our taste for fossil fuels. But how quickly is this melting the ice sheets, ice caps, and glaciers that remain on our planet? With the help of a team of climate scientists in Greenland, Marnie Chesterton goes to find the answer, in an icy landscape that's ground zero in the story of thawing.

Icebergs float in Baffin Bay near Pituffik, Greenland on 20 July, 2022, as captured with a drone during a NASA mission along with University of Texas scientists to measure melting Arctic sea ice. New observations from ICESAT-2 show remarkable Arctic Sea ice thinning in just three years. Over the past two decades, the Arctic has lost about one-third of its winter sea ice volume, largely due to a decline in sea ice that persists over several years, called multiyear ice, according to a new study. The study also found sea ice is likely thinner than previous estimates.

Icebergs float in Baffin Bay near Pituffik, Greenland. Photo: KEREM YUCEL


9:07 A tribute to war-time era singer Dame Vera Lynn 

British war-time era singer Dame Vera Lynn is being remembered with two special shows this coming weekend. Beloved local entertainer Vicki Lee will be performing the songs of Dame Vera at two shows across Christchurch and Greymouth for a nostalgic two-hour journey of wartime memories concluding with a good ol' fashion singalong.

Susan Fleet was the personal assistant for Dame Vera and was involved with much of the legendary singer's career. Susan joins the show to share some of her insight into the legacy & life of the 'Forces Sweetheart'. 

Dame Vera Lynn

Dame Vera Lynn Photo: Wikimedia Commons


9:30 Surfer's pilgrimage West Ireland captured in film

The She Surfs Film Tour hits the shores of Wellington next week to share stories of wave-riding women while shining a spotlight on female filmmakers from around the world.

Australian surfer Vittoria Farmer is the subject of Other Land, a film directed by Alice Ward following Vittoria's pilgrimage to Donegal in the West of Ireland where she spends the winter surfing in the North Atlantic.


10:17 Midweek Mediawatch with Colin Peacock

Colin Peacock speaks to Karyn Hay about the Labour Party's conference being overshadowed by the latest political opinion poll - and reporters' fixation on the party leaders. Also: Winston Peters slams our media offshore; the latest reports and revelations about the new public media entity - and Discovery's local TV plans for 2023.  

Incoming Labour Party president Jill Day and Labour finance spokesperson Grant Robertson on the podium at the Labour Party's 2022 annual conference.

Incoming Labour Party president Jill Day and Labour finance spokesperson Grant Robertson on the podium at the Labour Party's 2022 annual conference. Photo: RNZ / Katie Scotcher


10.45 Female journalists targeted online

For all its power to unify, connect and inform, the online space can also be a divisive medium when it's manipulated to propagate discrimination and hate.

According to new global report, The Chilling, online abuse and violence against female journalists is prevalent, and it's authors are calling for action and accountability. Dr Diana Maynard from the University of Sheffield, UK, was one of the key members of the research leadership team involved with the pioneering report.

young and depressed worker or student woman working with computer laptop alone late at night in stress suffering internet bullying victim of social network

Photo: 123rf


11:07 Inside Out

Nick Tipping brings you classic recordings and modern masterpieces from the world of jazz.

This week, the Nick looks at the release of an album of music inspired by poet Hone Tuwhare by the Rodger Fox Big Band, and he also checks out jazz inspired by Langston Hughes, Bill Manhire, Walt Whitman and Edgar Allen Poe.