8:15 Pacific Waves

A daily current affairs programme that delves deeper into the major stories of the week, through a Pacific lens, and shines a light on issues affecting Pacific people wherever they are in the world. Hosted by Susana Suisuiki.

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8:30 Nights Jukebox

Emile Donovan plays your requests - as long as you've got a compelling reason, or a good story to go with it.

Send in your requests to nights@rnz.co.nz or text 2101.

8:45 The Reading: Hand Me Down World by Lloyd Jones

The sixth episode of a 12 part series with Ziyande Matshe and Brian Sergent reading the 'Hand Me Down World' by Lloyd Jones.

An African woman becomes pregnant while working as a cleaner in a Tunisian hotel but, just weeks after the birth, her baby is stolen away by the father. Her journey to find him relies on the barest of resources as she tracks him across continents.

9:07 Nights Quiz

Do you know your stuff? Come on the air and be grilled by Emile Donovan as he dons his quizmaster hat.

If you get an answer right, you move on to the next question. If you get it wrong, your time in the chair is up, and the next caller will be put through. The person with the most correct answers at the end of the run goes in the draw for a weekly prize.

The quiz is themed - find out more about tonight's theme on Nights' Facebook page.

9:15 Myth Takes: Gladiators

Classics enthusiast and educator Ben Jackson joins us for our monthly chat.

Tonight, we are stepping into the Colosseum and taking a deep dive into the history of the Gladiators

Roman Colosseum

Roman Colosseum Photo: Public Domain

9:30 Midweek Mediawatch

Colin Peacock joins Nights to debrief the week in the media.

A still image of Samantha Hayes presenting the new-look Three News 6pm bulletin, produced by Stuff.

Photo: Stuff / Supplied

10:17 Online retail giant Amazon turns 30

It's 30 years since Amazon launched, changing the world of retail.

Natalie Berg is a Retail Analyst and Founder of NBK Retail, a consultancy specialising in retail strategy and future and joins Emile Donovan to look at its development and impact through the years.

Natalie Berg looks back at 30 years of Amazon

Natalie Berg looks back at 30 years of Amazon Photo: Supplied/Terranova

10:30 New book highlights 'non-nuclear families' in Aotearoa

From solo mums and dads doing it alone, to grandparents raising their grandchildren or even neighbours bringing up chilrden who are no longer safe with their parents, Aotearoa New Zealand is full of families that don't follow the tradional two parent two children formula.

One of the editors of Rere Takitahi/Flying Solo is Jenny Purchase and joins Emile Donovan.

Rere Takitahi/ Flying Solo creatively explores the lived experience of these alternative families in a comprehensive anthology that showcases the creative work of 50 new, emerging, established, and veteran writers, across multiple genres.

Rere Takitahi/ Flying Solo creatively explores the lived experience of these alternative families in a comprehensive anthology that showcases the creative work of 50 new, emerging, established, and veteran writers, across multiple genres. Photo: Olearia Press

10:45 Balclutha sets its sights on Six60 gig

Ten years ago, Balclutha came close to getting iconic kiwi band Six60 to play a gig in the town.

Now it's one of one of five locations who are battling it out for the band's 'encore concert' for their Grassroots Tour, before they head to Europe.

Mayor, Bryan Cadogan, is a huge fan and talks to Emile Donovan about why he wants to get the band there.


Six60 Photo: supplied

11:07 Pocket Edition with Maggie Tweedie

On this week's Pocket Edition Warren Ellis talks his motivations for treasuring a chewed piece of Nina Simone's gum and how that memento lead him to write his musical memoir.

No caption

Photo: Darran Gerrish / Supplied