Nights for Friday 27 September 2024
8:15 Pacific Waves
A daily current affairs programme that delves deeper into the major stories of the week, through a Pacific lens, and shines a light on issues affecting Pacific people wherever they are in the world. Hosted by Susana Suisuiki.
8:30 Tenuous Connections
It's Friday Night so it's time to put on a playlist of music with a loose theme based off an even looser starting point.
Tonight, songs about daylight saving!
Send your requests to
9:07 Nights Quiz
Do you know your stuff? Come on the air and be grilled by Emile Donovan as he dons his quizmaster hat.
If you get an answer right, you move on to the next question. If you get it wrong, your time in the chair is up, and the next caller will be put through. The person with the most correct answers at the end of the run goes in the draw for a weekly prize.
The quiz is themed - find out more about tonight's theme on Nights' Facebook page.
9:15 This Weekend: The Wellington Puppetry Festival
Every Friday, we bring you some of the most interesting events and happenings coming up in Aotearoa this weekend - from the community fairs to the massive concerts.
Tonight, we head to the Capital, where puppeteers from all around New Zealand are gathering for the Wellington Puppetry Festival.
Puppeteers from all around New Zealand are gathering for the Wellington Puppetry Festival. Photo: Supplied
9:20 Focus on Politics
In Focus on Politics, RNZ's political editor Jo Moir examines the government's rocky relationship with its Cook Strait crossing.
9:30 Short-Cuts with Dan Slevin
Nights' resident screen critic Dan Slevin joins Emile Donovan to discuss Megalopolis (Coppola, 2024) in cinemas, and other Coppola films that are available online.
Dan also looks at a satirical sci-fi web series, Command Z (Soderbergh, 2023).
10:17 Author Catherine Chidgey on the bidding war for The Book of Guilt
New Zealand author Catherine Chidgey joins Emile Donovan to talk about the global popularity of her new book, what it's like to be in the throes of a bidding war - and her early morning writing regime.
Photo: Helen Mayall/supplied
10:30 Out Lately with Finn Johansson
He's back, and no doubt ready to inform, educate and entertain us with an array of eclectic music.
Tonight, Party Dozen - The Righteous Front, Bury the Hatchet - Bleeding Star, Bird W/O Nest ft Danny Brown - Alice Longyu Gao.
Photo: Finn Johansson
Music played tonight:
TRACK: The Righteous Front
ARTIST: Party Dozen
TRACK: Bury the Hatchet
ARTIST: Bleeding Star
TRACK: Bird W/O Nest ft Danny Brown
ARTIST: Alice Longyu Gao
11:07 Concert: Flying Nun Records Part 1
A text-book example of Kiwi ingenuity and creativity, and a classic rock 'n' roll story, starts tonight on RNZ National.
In the post-punk / springbok tour days of the early nineteen eighties, it took a bright idea, $50 and a freakishly good collection of songwriters to start 'Flying Nun Records', an independent record company based in Christchurch New Zealand.
We begin a five-part history of Flying Nun Records with part one: 'Anything Could Happen'