30 Sep 2021

The fight to share a place in MIQ

From Nights, 10:50 pm on 30 September 2021

Helen (we've have witheld her surname to protect her privacy) went over to Sydney see her daughter and grandchildren earlier this year while the travel bubble was open. She's done as she was asked by the Covid-19 Response Minister, Chris Hipkins, and sheltered in place, instead of competing for places in MIQ required by those with more urgent needs. But now, she really does need to get back and now she has until December before her pension is cut. This afternoon, Helen was offered to share a place in MIQ with a friend who won the lottery earlier this week, if she caught a flight back on Sunday. But she's just been told by the Regional MIQ director that she can't take the place.

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Photo: MIQ NZ