15 Sep 2022

J.T. Diamond collection showcases West Auckland history

From Nights, 7:35 pm on 15 September 2022

A series of short films exploring stories from the Auckland Libraries heritage collections is screening as part of the Auckland Heritage Festival, which runs 1-16 October. 

Erica O'Flaherty is Manager Heritage Collections and has been involved with putting together Ngako: The Collection Talks. She joins Bryan to discuss the project, and in particular the historically valuable J.T. Diamond collection.

Diamond was an amateur historian and archaeologist who, over 70 years, documented the industrial, archaeological, and social history of West Auckland.

Demolition of Glenburn works, Avondale (Jack Diamond hunting for artefacts) c1969.

Demolition of Glenburn works, Avondale (Jack Diamond hunting for artefacts). Photo: J T Diamond West Auckland History Collection, West Auckland Research Centre, Auckland Libraries.