20 Jun 2024

Kiwi photographer exploring humanity's impact on space

From Nights, 9:15 pm on 20 June 2024

Max Alexander is an internationally renowned photographer who uses visual storytelling to convey scientific concepts to audiences around the world.

Max grew up in Papakura and he's been living in London for the past 30 years. 

He's back in Aotearoa for the next few weeks to participate in Matariki and add a new section to his exhibition "Our Fragile Space - Protecting the Near-Space" that opened at Lloyds of London and has been shown in Europe and the United States. 

He speaks to Emile Donovan about the inspiration behind his exhibition. 

A photo of outer space showing human machines, drones and devices strewn across the blackness.

The key exhibition photo for Our Fragile Space - a time exposure with satellites and rocket bodies. In the picture a satellite is passing through Matariki. Photo: Max Alexander