2 Sep 2024

Whakataukī of the Week with Te Aorangi Murphy-Fell

From Nights, 9:15 pm on 2 September 2024

Every Monday here on Nights, to set the tone for the week ahead, we have a guest on to share a whakataukī - a Māori proverb - that's meaningful to them.

Te Aorangi Murphy-Fell. is a Maori langauge and education consultant and has just released a new te reo Māori guide, co-authoring 'Nga Hapa Reo, Common Maori Language Errors.' 

He joins Emile Donovan to talk about his whakataukī:

Kaua mā te waewae tūtuki, engari mā te upoko pakaru 

(Don't turn back because of stumbling feet, but only for a broken head). 

A composite image showing Te Aorangi Murphy-Fell on the left, and the cover of his book 'NGĀ HAPA REO - COMMON MĀORI LANGUAGE ERRORS' on the right. On the left, Te Aorangi smiles at the camera, sitting on a beach surrounded by tussock. On the right, the book cover is bright green, with the title font inlaid with patterns and symbols.

Photo: Supplied