Nine To Noon for Monday 18 May 2009
09:05 Can Christine Rankin hold on to her appointment to the Families Commission following controversial revelations about her private life?
United Future leader Peter Dunne who has vocally opposed Ms Rankins appointment to the Families Commission.
09:20 Youth sex offenders
Alister James, lawyer whose 16-year-old client sexually abused his foster sister and who cannot get into a sex offenders treatment programme; Dr Ian Lambie, National Assication for Adolescent Sexual Offenders Services, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at Auckland University; Don Mortensen, manager of the Stop Collective - a treatment programme for male sex offenders.
09:30 NZ Science Book Prize
Rebecca Priestley, inaugural winner of the Royal Society of New Zealand Science Book Prize for her book The Awa Book of Science.
09:45 Europe Correspondent Seamus Kearney
10:05 Eyewitness testimony
Jennifer Thomson-Canino mistakenly identified Ronald Cotton as having raped her - he spent 11 years in prison before DNA evidence freed him. Now Jennifer Thompson-Canino and Ronald Cotton have become friends and justice campaigners together. They join us with their incredible story of forgiveness, and their concerns about eyewitness testimony.
10:25 Book Review with Phil Vine
Tales of Freedom by Ben Okri
Published by Rider
ISBN 978 184 604 1587
10:45 Reading: On An Island With Consequences Dire by Kelly-Ana Morey
Episode 1 of 10
The layers of the years are peeled back to a summer on an island years ago when the lives of three teenaged girls, school friends, changed forever in one bloody fit of jealousy and rage. The dire consequences are about to come to a head.
11:05 Politics with Matthew Hooton and Laila Harre
11:30 Guest chef Mark Gregory and wine commentator John Hawkesby
11:45 Off The Beaten Track with Kennedy Warne
Outdoorsman, adventurer, travel journalist and photographer. Today he talks about the Hokianga.
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