Nine To Noon for Thursday 23 July 2009
09:05 Provocation defence - should it be scrapped?
Tracy Evans, niece of Ronald Brown; Elisabeth McDonald, Associate Law professor at Victoria University who has studied both hetrosexual and homosexual provocation defences; and David Herkt, journalist who has covered a lot of trials which use the provocation defence.
09:30 Children don't need to crawl to be able to walk
Findings from a 21-year study with the Au tribe in PNG.
David Tracer, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Health and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Colorado.
09:45 UK correspondent Michael White
10:05 Life inside New Zealand gangs
Three women talk about their lives inside New Zealand gangs.
10:30 Book Review with Michele A'Court
La's Orchestra Saves the World by Alexander McCall Smith
Published by Abacus
10:45 Reading: The Orphan Gunner by Sara Knox
(Part 4 of 10)
An unconventional romance set in bomber command in Lincolnshire during WWII.
11:05 New Technology with Colin Jackson
11:30 How do we attract brains and creativity back to the agriculture sector?
Jaqueline Rowarth, Head of Agriculture at Massey University.
11:45 Television commentator Simon Wilson