Nine To Noon for Friday 28 May 2010
09:05 Gulf of Mexico oil spill
Brian O'Neill, lawyer for the Alaskan residents and fishermen affected by Exxon Valdeez oil spill.
09:20 Allegations of racism in Canterbury rugby
Former All Black Andy Haden on his reported claims that the Crusaders Super 14 team has a limit of three Maori or Polynesian players.
09:45 Asia correspondent Phil O'Sullivan10:05 Robert Holroyd - Alternative Funds
Robert Holroyd, founder of NZ's largest alternative fund, Managing Director and principal of commodity funds Commodity Strategies Ltd (CSL) and Sirius Wealth Management. He is moving to Switzerland as he says post-Bernie Madoff, international investors don't want to deal with someone as far as New Zealand.
10:30 Book Review with Rae McGregor
The Strange Case of the Composer and His Judge by Patricia Duncker
Published by Bloomsbury
10:45 Reading. Skin Writing: 5 - Grass Hopper Leaps by Albert Belz
The last of five stories from the small tattoo studio called Underworld where the lines between the past and present meet every day.
11:05 New Music with Sean McKenna
Artist: Janelle Monae
Album: The Arch Android
Song: Tightrope (featuring Big Boi)
Video: Tightrope
Artist: The Black Keys
Album: Brothers
Song: Tighten Up
Artist: Various
Album: The History of Rhythm and Blues - Volume One: The Pre-War Years: 1925-1942
Song: Bessie Smith - Backwater Blues
Artist: Various
Album: The History of Rhythm and Blues - Volume Three: 1952 - 1957
Song: Chuck Berry - Maybelline
If you are a fan of R&B music, please email Sean -
New Arcade Fire songs:
11:30 Sports commentator Richard Boock
Andy Haden's claim that the Crusaders are racists and what exactly is the definition of a friendly football game?
11:45 Week That Was with Radar and Michele A'Court