Nine To Noon for Tuesday 1 June 2010
09:05 Israel attacks aid flotilla heading to Gaza
Jon Donnison, BBC corrrespondent based in Gaza.
09:15 Emergency session of the UN Security Council underway to discuss response to the attack.
Graeme Usher, UN correspondent.
09:20 Israel attacks aid flotilla heading to Gaza
Professor Paul Rogers, Professor of Peace Studies at Bradford University.
09:25 What does soccer tell us about ourselves?
Simon Kuper, co-author of Soccernomics. Has also written Soccer Against the Enemy, which won the William Hill Prize for sports book of the year in Britain, and writes a sports column in the Financial Times.
09:45 USA correspondent Jack Hitt
10:05 Becky Blanton - Homeless writer
American writer, photographer and former journalist who found herself homeless and at the bottom of the heap. Becky Blanton lived in her van for three years with a cat and Doberman dog for company. Her self esteem deserting her as she realised she had virtually fallen off society's radar. She eventually pulled herself out of it, going on to win selection to speak at the prestigious TED global forum at Oxford University, where she inspired the audience with the story of her journey to the edge and back.
10:30 Book Review with Phil Vine
The Breaking of Eggs by Jim Powell
Published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson
10:45 Reading:The Life And Death Of Laura Friday (And Of Pavarotti, Her Parrot), a black comedy by David Murphy
(Part 2 of 12, RNZ)
11:05 Business and economic commentator Rod Oram discusses the US economy and what it means for our exporters
11:30 Alison Parr
Oral historian Alison Parr with the stories of those who stayed home during World War II - from farmers to conscientous objectors to the women struggling with rationing and fears for their loved ones.
Home by Alison Parr
Published by Penguin NZ
11:45 Media commentator Denis Welch
TV3's The Nation vs TV1's Q&A.