09:05 Discrepancies in sentencing

Byron Ballan's former business partner received home detention in 2004 after pleading guilty to defrauding their clients of 2 million dollars; John Billington, criminal defence lawyer; and Kim Workman, Rethinking Crime and Punishment executive director.

09:20 Scientometrics: the science of science

Sam Arbesman, Harvard post-doctoral fellow and writer who has researched three scientific fields to find out how difficult it has been to discover things throughout history.

09:30 365 days of golf around the world

Michael Goldstein and Jamie Patton are playing a game of golf - every day - at different courses around the world for an entire year to raise funds for children's charity, First Tee.

09:45 UK correspondent Michael White

10:05 Rosie Horton

Rosie Horton, Auckland philanthropist, legendary charity fundraiser, recipient of the 2010 Auckland Distinguished Citizen Award.

10:30 Book Review with Sonja de Freiz

The Good Psychologist by Noam Shpancer
Published by Abacus

10:45 Reading

Between The Lines written and read by Elisabeth Easther

A comic tale about ambition set in the grimey world of the London movie business. (Part 4 of 5)

11:05 New Technology with Nigel Horrocks

Is the internet changing how our brains work?
Read an interview with Nicholas Carr, author of The Shallows.
See how the Guardian questions Carr's thesis.
Read the author's blog.

Figuratively and physiologically, Facebook users choose to tell their friends exactly where they are - is this Big Brother at last?
Read an article that worries whether Facebook Places is too 1984 Orwellian.
Here a University professor argues in his blog that Facebook Places does
have privacy issues
How to adjust your Facebook privacy settings.

11:30 Parenting

Psychologist and parenting expert Nigel looks has advice on how to build a relationship with your child's school.

11:45 Film Review with Graeme Tuckett

German film The White Ribbon, local flick Predicament, and a British one called Harry Brown.