09:05 Residents in Christchurch's red zone are furious that insurance companies won't honour total replacement policies for their homes and say they will lose hundreds of thousands of dollars.

David Haywood, resident in Christchurch suburb of Avonside which is in the red zone. His insurance company, Tower, has told him it will not give him total replacement for his property because it was the Government's decision to write the land off; and Andrew Nutall, financial advisor.

09:25 Monetising environmental commodities

Helen Robinson, founder of TZ1 Registry, the world's leading environmental markets registry, which is now owned by Markit. It holds the majority carbon market registry share worldwide and is the only registry provider for broader environmental commodities markets, including water, conservation banking, wetlands and other biodiversity.

She is speaking at the annual New Zealand Global Women's forum in Auckland on 28 June.

09:45 Europe correspondent Seamus Kearney

Greek austerity votes this week seen as a defining moment for Europe, Croatia gets the green light to become the EU's 28th member and European leaders to overhaul passport-free Schengen rules.

10:00 Brigid Gallagher

Archaeological conservator and presenter of the hit British TV show Time Team.

10:30 Book Review with Kate Blackhurst

Gillespie and I by Jane Harris
Published by Faber Fiction

10:45 Reading: Dead People's Music by Sarah Laing (part 5 of 15)

The lives of two talented cellists, Klara from 1930s New York, and Rebecca her New Zealand born granddaughter, entwine and enthral.

Listen again to this reading.

11:05 Political commentators Matthew Hooton and Sue Bradford

Hone Harawira's Tai Tokerau by-election.

11:30 Guest chef - Sean Connolly and wine matching from John Hawkesby

Sydney-based chef, host of Australian television show My Family Feast.

Angela’s Eggplants with Aioli and Tomato Salsa
Giriga’s Salmon Curry with Riata and Steamed Rice
Argentinian Crème Caramel

11:45 Urbanist Tommy Honey

The architecture of the new Christchurch - what will Christchurch look like and who gets to decide?

The Simple House