09:05 The head of NZ's largest general insurer, IAG, discusses the details of the Government's announcement on rebuilding quake-affected homes

Jacki Johnson, CEO of IAG NZ, whose brands include State and NZI. The company is also an underwriter for insurance for sold by banks such as ASB and BNZ.


09:15 Quake affected homes

Raeann McPherson, New Brighton resident in the  orange zone.

09:25 Quake damage - how were the land damage assessments made?

Nick Rogers, project director, Canterbury Land Assessment for Tonkin & Taylor. Tonkin & Taylor is the environmental and engineering consultancy doing the Canterbury land damage assessment work for EQC and the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority.

09:45 The internet's most celebrated lawyer

Lawrence Lessig, Harvard University law professor, is one of the founders of the alternative copywright licensing body Creative Commons. Professor Lessig is now on a mission to clean up American politics, through a project called FixCongressFirst.org. He is speaking at the NetHui internet conference, which runs from 29 June to 1 July in Auckland.

10:05 Rob Tuwhare - son of poet Hone Tuwhare

Son of Hone Tuwhare and literary executor of the Hone Tuwhare Charitable Trust, which was established to purchase and restore Hone's crib at Kaka Point in South Otago and establish a writers' residency (the first in a home of a Māori writer). The trust also seeks to develop resources for schools and initiate events throughout the country celebrating Hone and his contribution to the arts.

10:30 Book Review with Sonja de Freiz

Does the Noise in my Head Bother You? by Steven Tyler
Published by HarperCollins

10:45 Reading: Dead People's Music by Sarah Laing (part 5 of 15)

The lives of two talented cellists, Klara from 1930s New York, and Rebecca her New Zealand born granddaughter, entwine and enthral.

Listen again to this reading.

11:05 New Music with Sean McKenna

Artist: Bon Iver (www.boniver.org)
Album: Bon Iver
Song: Towers
Stephen Colbert interviews Justin Vernon

Artist: Gillian Welch (www.gillianwelch.com)
Album: The Harrow & The Harvest
Hard Times

Artist: Seasick Steve (www.seasicksteve.com)
Album: You Cant Teach An Old Dog New Tricks
Song: Don't Know Why She Love Me But She Do

Artist: Bella Kalolo (with the GLCC Youth Choir)
Song: What Love Can Do

11:30 Sports commentator Joseph Romanos

11:45 Week That Was

With Jon Bridges and Irene Pink.